Can I benefit from seeing a Dietitian?

Yes! Many feelings we classify as "getting older" or chalk up to a "hectic life" are really symptoms from a way of eating that doesn't work for your body. Common symptoms include: 

Weight Gain, Fatigue, Mood Swings, Gas, Bloating, Feeling "Hangry", Achy Joints, Allergies, and Mental Fog

By making simple changes to your eating style you can resolve all these symptoms with ease.


Rachael's Personal Touch

Four Areas of Health.png

As a nutrition expert I will be able to help you find the right eating style to achieve your health goals. But nutrition alone doesn’t make you healthy. We will look at you as whole, focusing on : 

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep

  • Stress Management

  • Movement / Exercise

By addressing all of these issues we are putting you on the fast track towards longer term results and better health.