Stress & Why You Need To Address It

Stress & Why You Need To Address It

As a dietitian I focus heavily on food during our sessions, however I don’t ignore that other factors impact your nutritional and overall health as well. Those who have been with me for a while constantly hear me say that you need to look at the person as a whole focusing on NUTRITION, SLEEP, STRESS, AND MOVEMENT.

Today I really wanted to break down just a few of the reason why you should be taking into consideration your stress levels.

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Why I Started Sustainable Nutrition

Why I Started Sustainable Nutrition

The more I opened up to others about my previous struggles with food the more people started to admit they were using food to cope with emotions and felt out of control with in their relationship with food.

And so I created Sustainable Nutrition. The name was born out of watching people struggle, and my own personal struggle, with finding a way of eating that was not only healthy but SUSTAINABLE.

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These Are Red Flags

These Are Red Flags

I was driving home this morning and heard a statistic on the radio that shocked me….

55% of couples are hiding food from their partner.

The D.J.’s on the radio station made a few funny jokes about how they will go to a drive through in secret and throw away the wrappers in a different location. Or that they would have a “treat” and then hide the wrapper at the bottom of the trash.

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Part 2: New Years Resolutions

Part 2: New Years Resolutions

Last blog I talked about creating New Years Intentions vs New Years Resolutions. To show the enormous impact this mental shift made in my year I wanted to share my 2019 experience with intention setting!

In 2019 I set out with two clear intentions:

  1. Make health a priority over weight loss

  2. Become physically stronger

To be honest I started with very vague ideas because I was so sick of trying to micro manage my body. All I knew was that I didn’t want to follow any eating plans and that I wanted to feel strong.

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Part 1: New Years Resolutions

Part 1: New Years Resolutions

I grew up with people making New Years resolutions of how many pounds they were going to loose and fantasizing what size pants they were going to squeeze into.

I can remember New Years resolutions being romanticized during the holidays. As friends and family were grabbing extra helpings of desserts, they would say “I am going to eat this now because come the new year I am going to be disciplined. Next year I am going to be so thin”

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I Don't Know My Weight

I Don't Know My Weight

This month marks the 1 year anniversary of me not weighing myself. And guess what! All of my pants still fit!

I tell my clients to frame all of their decisions around the simple question “Is this serving my purpose?” It’s an easy way to assess if something is giving you an opportunity to reach your health goals without calling yourself good or bad. After years of letting a number on a scale dictate my worth I decided enough was enough, the scale was not serving my purpose.

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Part 2: Food and Mood

Part 2: Food and Mood

I touched briefly on how we are a society that has now become obsessed with feeling happy and content, yet now more than ever we are struggling with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and sense of not belonging. 

Today we are going to focus on how nutrition is impacting our mental health. 


There are two large parts to linking nutrition to mental health:

1.     Gut Brain Axis

2.     Blood Sugars

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