Mindful Eating

Have you ever finished a plate of food or a handful of chips and thought "Is this the end? Where did all my food go?"  If you answered yes, trust me you’re not the only one.

We have programmed ourselves to constantly stay busy and "fit" food in where we can. This can be as harmless as eating while watching the news, calling a relative back, or running errands. The problem with eating "distracted" is that you may feel full, but you don't feel SATISFIED. This in turn starts the vicious circle of hunting for a treat at the end of your meal or having another helping of dessert to feel satisfied. 

Instead of getting caught in this never ending trap,  you can use the SIMPLE practice of mindful eating to begin feeling satisfied now!

Mindful eating is the practice of being AWARE while eating. This means taking the time to enjoy every bite! Notice the flavors, textures, smells, and pleasure that food provides! This simple act leads to a host of benefits that will improve your overall health and well-being!


Quick How To's:

  1. Sit down with your meal in a semi quiet space without looking at your TV, Cell Phone, or Computer (Hint: you can’t do this while driving or working)

  2. Take one bite of your food and put your fork down. Don’t push food around on your plate or scoop up the next bite in preparation

  3. Notice all the sensations of your food; smell, taste, mouth feel

  4. Chew the food completely, actively thinking about how much you are enjoying the experience

  5. Repeat until you feel full! (Hint: it will take longer to eat than normal, you might find that you are full before your plate is empty!)



  1. Satisfied Longer- Since you are taking the time to actively enjoy your food, the brain has the appropriate amount of time to recognize your body’s fullness and satiation cues, leaving you satisfied and happy. This will lead to feeling full longer and reduce cravings.

  2. Easy Weight Management- By taking longer to enjoy food, you will most likely find you don’t need to eat as much. The second hand full of chips or third slice of pizza would make you feel “stuffed.” In the long run this adds up to less unnecessary calories consumed, leading to easier weight management.  

  3. Sense of Control- Being an active player in your eating makes you feel in control. You are not a slave to the desire to eat, but instead a King or Queen that gets to enjoy one of life’s greatest pleasures!

  4. No More Guilt- It is hard to feel guilty about something you took the time to enjoy. No more eating quickly so that no one will see you, eating and feeling guilty or ashamed, or punishing yourself for having a treat. Mindful eating focuses on enjoying food not self punishment.


To learn more about mindful eating and how to apply these skills to your daily routine, schedule an appointment with me today!