Part 1: New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!!!!! Congratulations you and your wonderful body have made it another year around the sun! Celebrate!!!

Now let’s get down to business!

I grew up with people making New Years resolutions about weight loss and fantasizing about what size pants they were going to squeeze into.

I can remember New Years resolutions being romanticized during the holidays. As friends and family were grabbing extra helpings of desserts, “I am going to eat this now because come the new year I am going to be disciplined. Next year I am going to be so thin!”

I even knew woman who went so far as posting pictures of other women’s bodies on their mirrors as “goals.”

Hello and welcome to 2020, where you don’t have to set such tiny and meaningless goals. You are awesome and you should have a resolution that allows you to express your awesomeness, not focusing on making yourself smaller or looking like someone else!

I offer you the option of setting a New Years Intention instead of a New Years Resolution.

Resolutions: firm & ridged plans, offer little flexibility and room for change in a year that is quite literally unpredictable

Intention: flexible & evolving, allows for you to honor what you need as life happens.

So instead of saying my New Years Resolution is to loose 20 pounds, consider my New Years intention is to make my health a priority.

With a new years resolution you will most likely find yourself on another crash diet that only focus on weight loss. You will need to count your calories and go hungry. But with an intention you can finally focus asking yourself what changes you need to make feel strong, energized, accomplished, AND EFFORTLESSLY LOSE THE WEIGHT. Why? Because weight normalization is a symptom of being healthy.

If we were all to be honest, including myself, we have already done a New Years resolution to lose weight that didn’t end up well. BUT this year doesn’t have to be like this!

It wasn’t until I began to look at my body as part of me instead of something to control that I found the results I was looking for in every New Years resolution. I found what it meant to be healthy in a sustainable way that includes weight loss without restriction and deprivation.

All it takes is one small step to make a profound change. If you set an intention to start caring for yourself and take small steps. By the end of the year, they will add up make a large change that will have gotten you farther than any crash diet ever diet.

Don’t make this year the same as every other. Let this year be one of positive changes and growth! Be kind to yourself and set an intention that allows you flexibility. Focus on more than just your outward appearance and truly nourish your body!

In part 2 of my New Years resolution I will share with you how my 2019 intentions provided me with one of the most rewarding years of my life!