Stress & Why You Need To Address It

As a dietitian I focus heavily on food during our sessions, however I don’t ignore that other factors impact your nutritional and overall health as well. Those who have been with me for a while constantly hear me say that you need to look at the person as a whole focusing on NUTRITION, SLEEP, STRESS, AND MOVEMENT.

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Stress and sleep are the two areas of health that get overlooked the most. Today I really wanted to break down just a few of the reason why you should be taking into consideration your stress levels.

All clients fill out an intake form that covers these fours areas of health. For stress I have them rate their levels using these parameters:

  • I have no worries, what is stress?

  • I know I need to get things done, but they get done when they get done

  • I wake up knowing I have a list of things to do and I feel pressure to complete them

  • I daily feel overwhelmed, there are moments when I think I am going to snap

  • I am barely treading water, I feel panicked

  • I am huddled in a corner crying because I can’t handle this pressure

Most people rate themselves as “having a list of things to do and feeling pressure to complete them.” The interesting thing I have noticed is that this is how they may portray themselves on the outside, but on the inside they are one level lower than they believe. Especially when they begin to think about their health and weight loss goals.

So why should we even be worried about our stress levels? Let’s take a look at just a few complications caused by chronic stress.

Stress and Diabetes

Stress releases the hormone cortisol which triggers the body to convert protein stores into glucose (sugar) and puts this into our blood stream. Evolutionarily this was for quick fight or flight movement, but now we get stressed out from an email sitting in our inbox. Although no studies have concrete evidence that diabetes is directly associated with stress there has been strong evidence to suggest a connection. Further, it has been noted that there is a clear association between depression and diabetes. Regardless, chronically elevated blood sugars are connected to inflammation, which is the back bone of disease.

Stress and Weight Gain

Cortisol encourages triglycerides to be “mobilized” and placed in fat cells, specifically visceral fat (fat that is centralized around the abdomen). Excess visceral fat sits on organs and has been linked to multiple diseases and increased rates of mortality.

Several studies have also shown that cortisol encourages you to eat higher calories items. They believe this is due to cortisol binding to the hypothalamus receptors in the brain. 

Stress and Weakened Immune System

Chronic stress promotes inflammation, while also raising catecholamine and suppressor T-cells levels which weakens the immune system. This can make you more susceptible to the common cold, viruses, and even autoimmune conditions.

Stress and GI Dysfunction

When we are stressed out the body is in a fight or flight mode generated by the sympathetic nervous system. For digestion we need to be in the parasympathetic nervous system which is a state of feeling relaxed and calm. During stress “digestion and absorption are compromised, indigestion develops, and the mucosal lining becomes irritated and inflamed”, this leads to peptic ulcers, stress ulcers or ulcerative colitis. This is because stress impacts acid levels in the stomach.

Other connections to stress and health include:

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Fertility Issues

  • insomnia

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • Dementia

Nutrition is extremely important, but so are your stress levels. If you only take in nutritious foods but don’t manage your stress you will not have optimal health.

Have you been truly making an effort to lose weight or improve your health and find that you are struggling? It is most likely due to an area of your health that is being neglected; STRESS LEVELS, SLEEP, or MOVEMENT PATTERNS.

As a practitioner I go out of my way to help you find the root cause of your issues. I recognize that the four areas I have mentioned have a significant impact on your health and weight. I give you the tools to address these issues and see impactful results.

Interested in learning how I can help you? Schedule a complimentary 20 minute discovery call today!