Plastic is Making You Sick

Are you drinking and eating plastic? If you consume any beverages from a plastic water bottle, food stored in a plastic container wrap or bag, or reheat any items in plastic YES YOU ARE CONSUMING PLASTIC.

This is a problem because plastic is not excreted from your body. Instead, it is stored in your fat cells where it begins to build up. Plastics is dangerous because it is estrogenic, meaning it mimics or promote estrogen formation in the body, which has been linked to several serious health concerns.

Think you are safe from plastic? A study done as early as 2011 showed that 70% of plastic items released estrogen like compounds and that when put in real world conditions like sunlight, washing, or a dishwasher 95% of them released estrogen like compounds.  

This is of concerns because having too much estrogen in the body promotes estrogen dominance which has been connected to a whole host of conditions such as:

  • Progesterone deficiency, poor bone formation, leading to osteoporosis

  • Increased adipose tissues, aka fat

  • Headaches, irritability, chronic fatigue, and low labito

  • Women promotes: breast cancer, thyroid dysfunction, cystic fibrosis, endometrial cancer, greater risk for heart disease and strokes

  • Men promotes: low testosterone, prostate cancer, weight gain

To prevent the above complications from happening to you there are some easy solutions!

The first thing you can do is substitute all of your plastic containers for alternatives like glass, porcelain, or stainless steel! Same goes for water bottles. Instead of cling wrap store items in a container with a lid or purchases reusable and washable bees wax paper.

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