Butter and Salt, Your Friends








The longer I counsel clients the more I find it’s not that most people don’t like vegetables, it’s that they don’t give them the same love and preparation as they do meats and starches. Vegetables can easily be your favorite part of a meal with the right seasoning and preparation.


How to make your vegetables delicious

Step 1: Use Fat

Fat is a key part of making your vegetables taste delicious and NECESSARY to absorb all of the vitamins and minerals that make them healthy!

Fat is like a train. Without fat in a meal the vitamins and minerals have to try to walk through the harsh conditions of your stomach and digestive tract, trying to not be destroyed, to make it down to the intestines where they will be absorbed. When you have fat with your vegetables you allow the vitamins and minerals to hop onto a train and be transported safely to their final destination.


Good Fats: Butter, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Cheese, Avocado, & Nut Butters

Avoid: Sunflower Oil, Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, & Oil Blends


Fat in necessary to absorb the vitamins and minerals in vegetables.




Step 2: Use Salt/Seasoning

Let’s be honest salt and spices just make everything better. Adding some fresh herbs and salt to your vegetables only makes them more delicious. The more vegetables you eat, the more healing foods you are eating to live a longer and richer life.

Now this isn’t an excuse to go overboard on salt, especially if you have hypertension. Try adding a pinch of good quality and flavorful salt like sea salt or pink Himalayan salt after cooking. By adding the salt after cooking you allows for the flavor to be bolder without having twice the amount of salt.

Flavorful Salts: Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Kosher Salt

Non-Salt Spices/Herb: Garlic, Onions, Rosemary, Basil, Cilantro, Parsley, Red Pepper Flakes, Ginger, Lemon Zest, Lime Zest (it’s endless)


So next time you start preparing dinner don’t just steam some broccoli, use some fat and seasonings! Give your vegetables the love and respect they deserve!


Ready to start prioritizing your health? Schedule a FREE discovery call with Rachael today to see how she can help you starting feeling energized and in control of your health!