








Do you ever finish a meal and feel like you instantly gain five pounds? You look down at your stomach and the bottom portion it is sticking out like your pregnant. Well good news is that you didn’t instantly pack on the pounds, you’re just bloated!


However, this doesn’t make the symptoms you feel any less annoying, but there is an easy fix.


We become bloated after consuming foods that our digestive tract has trouble breaking down, typically simple sugars or specific proteins. The microbes in your gut produce methane and hydrogen in larger quantities than normal in response to the unwanted food. This builds up pushing out your lower abdomen giving you the bloated feeling.  


Bloating is often a response to a food intolerance that has not become a full blown food allergy. Food intolerances, if not acknowledged, can lead to leaky gut syndrome and chronic inflammation that destroy your digestive tract.


It’s important to note that our immune system lies within our digestive tract. So if you are frequently feeling bloated you are weakening your immune system. Leaving your body with less protection against all the germs you come in contact with on a daily basis and the toxins that build up in your body.


Remember from the last video microbes control your emotions! If they are becoming angry and producing methane they are not happy campers. Most times bloating is accompanied by irritability, sadness, and mood swings. By figuring out what foods are causing you to bloat you can directly improve your mood and quality of life.


The biggest take away is that bloating is a sign from your body that the foods you are eating are not in harmony with your health!


For help discovering which foods are causing your bloating schedule a FREE 15 minute call with me! Let’s get you feeling good again!