No I Can't

How many times have you said the phrase “no I can’t” when someone offers you food? No you “can’t” because you just started a diet or no you “can’t” because that food is bad?

The truth is as an adult you can actually have any food you want. So instead of saying you can’t I encourage you to start saying I am choosing to not have this food.”  

I know it sounds like I am being nitpicky, but realize there is so much power in your words!

By saying the word CHOOSING you are 100% in control of the moment and your decisions. By saying you CAN’T you are implying something/someone else has control over your ability to make a decision and your real desire was to eat the food.

When you feel like someone else is telling you what to do, the little food gremlins start chattering in your head reminding you how tasty “of limit” foods are. It becomes very easy to say yes to a food you know doesn’t serve your current health goals because it didn’t feel like your decision.  

So I encourage you to start reframing your words surrounding food! Say that you are choosing to not have something because you are putting yourself first. Drop the negative tone that you can’t have something.

If this is something that real resonates with you let’s chat some more! Schedule a FREE 15 min discovery call with me to see how I can help you start having a different relationship with your food.