Fasting the FREE Cold Solution

Fasting has been turned into a dirty word. People jump to the conclusion that it is only a form of self punishment after a day of excessive eating, but fasting has been used as a form of healing for thousands of years!

Fasting the act of voluntarily abstaining from food for a period of time, is not to be mistaken with starvation, the act of going without food involuntarily for an unknown period of time.

Almost all cultures and religions practiced fasting for health, religious, or spiritual reasons. Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Jewish, and Muslin are just a few.

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If you feel yourself coming down with a cold or beginning to feel under the weather fasting could be a helpful tool for you!

The gut makes up 80% of the immune system. So when stop digestion you give the gut time to rest and use its forces to fight off illness.

Hippocrates wrote, “To eat when you are sick, is to feed your illness”. Plutarch (cAD46 – c AD 120) also echoed these feelings saying “Instead of using medicine, better fast today”.

To improve your immune system consider a short 1-2 day fast consuming only:

  • Water

  • Coffee/Tea

  • Bone Broth (heals gut, make sure you get grass fed organic)

  • Salt

  • Raw Garlic (enzyme Allicin is a naturally antibacterial & microbial)

During this time allow you body to relax, don’t go to the gym or stay late at work. I encourage you to do some deep breathing or meditation if you nose is clogged to relieves stress.

If you want to double down on your immune efforts consider making teas with:

  • Lemon (alkalizing, detoxifying, source of Vit C)

  • Ginger (digestion aide, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant)

  • Turmeric (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant)

Here is one of my favorite recipes!!!!

Let me know how fasting worked for you!

Disclaimer: If you have diabetes or any other blood sugar related concerns please consult a health professional before attempting fasting.