Eat More For Less Calories

When people think of eating healthy they immediately envision something like one sad little broccoli floret on a plate. The truth is when you eat healthfully you eat SO MUCH MORE!

Don’t believe me??!?! Let’s look at a few food comparisons.

comparsion chart.png

It is amazing the shear volume of food you can eat when you consume vegetables!!!!

Let’s put this even more into perspective by comparing a typical on the go American Breakfast to the amazing breakfast you could be having!

American Breakfast:

  • 2 Blueberry Frosted Pop Tarts  - 400 kcal

  • 2% milk 16oz - 206 kcals

Total - 606 kcals

Champion Breakfast:

  • 2 Fried Eggs - 140 kcals

  • 1 cup broccoli sautéed in ½ Tbsp Butter - 80 kcals

  • 1 cup baked sweet potato w/ 1 Tbsp Butter - 214 kcals

Total - 434 kcals

That’s a 170 kcal difference between breakfasts and which one do you think is going to keep you fuller longer?!?!?!

But you hear people say “ah people who eat healthy are hungry all the time.” NOPE! It’s actually the exact opposite!

When you eat low nutrient dense foods (aka foods low in vitamins and minerals) your body does not receive the nutrients it needs. So it will continue to scream it’s hungry, even if you recently ate, trying to find the vitamins and minerals it is missing.

Let’s take a look back at the breakfast example.

Here is the nutrient content of a pop tart:

pop tart nutrients .png

Here is the nutrient content of 1 cup of

Sweet Potato:

sweet potato nutrition .png


broccoli nutrition .png

The sweet potato and broccoli have an insane amount of vitamins and minerals compared to the pop tart. The high vitamin and mineral content ensures that you stay fuller longer, your body functions properly, heals quickly, and your hunger cues normalize!

Challenge food misconceptions! Eating healthfully equals eating more!!!