Food Holidays

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It’s coming whether you like it or not…..THE HOLIDAY SEASON!

You will be invited to parties and family gatherings with endless amounts of food and alcohol.

Have you already started telling yourself that this season is a lost cause? After the holidays you will commit to losing weight. Or are you planning on exercising and eating strictly before the holidays so that you can binge till your heart is content?

What if I told you it didn’t have to be like this? That you could go to parties, enjoy the foods on your plate, wake up the next morning without feeling guilt, and not gain any weight.

I promise you it is possible! Through intuitive eating and utilizing the adult development theory I have developed a workshop that helps you get to the root cause of negative eating habits and develop sustainable habits that promote weight loss with ease.

During the workshop you will:

  1. Recognize your eating patterns (by taking a food personality quiz)

  2. Learn how to enjoy food without guilt (with mindful eating principles)

  3. Learn how to interpret your body’s signals (cravings, hanger, exhaustion, afternoon crashes, etc)

  4. Learn strategies to build longterm trust with yourself (the greatest predictor of weight loss)

As a result you will be able to:

  1. Eat all foods in moderation, including sweets & alcohol

  2. Eat without guilt or shame

  3. Reduce/prevent weight gain during the holidays

  4. Enjoy gatherings without fretting over food options

I am teaching you how to do all of these things BEFORE the holiday season hits during my workshop starting Oct. 29th.

Let this holiday season be focused on joy, instead of fretting about your weight!