Our Limiting Stories

We tell ourselves stories about who we are and what we should act like every day. 

  • “If I let someone see I am struggling I am weak.”

  • “All the responsibility falls on me. If I don’t do it, it won’t get done.” 

  • “I am the peace keeper, it’s my job to be polite and not ruffle feathers.”

  • “If I take time for me I am selfish.”

These stories we tell ourselves directly connect to our food choices and the ability to make lifestyle changes. An absolutely brilliant woman named Ali Shapiro was able to recognize that there are three different types/styles of people; accomodator, competitor, or avoider. 


Put others before themselves and develop the “I deserve it mindset.” They often think it has been a long and hard day of helping others, so I am going to treat myself and order pizza. 


Compare themselves to others or who they think they should be, often feeling less than. Making any lifestyle change feels impossible, so they say “F*** it i’m already so far behind let me have a cookie.”


Instead of acknowledging a problem or stressful situation they use food to distract themselves. Constantly going to the break room fridge at work or looking for a snack between studying. 

It can be extremely frustrating when you know what you should do or want to do, but can’t seem to follow through.

Big question: How do I stop these self destructive habits? 

Answer: Re-write your story.

However, this is easier said than done. How do you uncover what your story is? How do you know which self destructive pattern is you? When you figure it all out how do you re-write your story???

To help you answer these difficult questions and begin to change your story I have decided to host a 5-6 week workshop, one day a week in the evening, at the end of October through November. Cost for the workshop will be at a discounted rate, over 50% less than a traditional session.There will be a limited number of spots so that we can work in an intimate setting that allows for rich conversations.

If you’re interested in participating in the workshop please fill out the form below! As the group forms we will work to nail down the best day and time to best accommodate everyone’s schedules.