Health Looks Sexy

Healthy people naturally look sexy. We all can agree.

The reason you are considering starting a diet after the holiday season is to look sexy right? But what if I told you that just simply striving for health gets you to the same results and is significantly more sustainable.

Health looks sexy and is much easier than some crash diet.

I define health as the accumulation of daily habits. These daily habits include:

  • Non-sedentary lifestyle (less than 6 hrs of sitting during waking hours)

  • Daily vegetable consumption with lunch and dinner

  • Reduced sugar, soda, sweets, and alcohol consumption

  • Sleeping 7-9 hrs a night

  • Moving 2-3 times a week in a way that gets your heart rate elevated

  • Continual practice of stress relief

Many people want to make weight loss and health complicated, but here is the simple truth. With this foundation you are at least 80% of the way towards a healthy body.

Why give out this information for free?

Because deep down every client I have seen intuitively knows this and either is dealing with one of two things:

  1. Knows what they should do and don’t understand why they can’t follow through

  2. Are doing this and confused that they still are struggling with health or weight

This is where I come in. If either of the above statements applies to you, then you could strongly benefit from working with me. Through my sessions, detailed follow up emails recapping sessions, and 24/7 access to me via the Healthie App I help you find health.

Are you ready to make this the easiest holiday season of your life? Thinking you don’t need to wait ‘til New Years to start feeling good? Book a complementary discovery call with me to learn more information.