Two Options

Let’s all be honest with ourselves Thanksgiving has turned into a holiday solely about eating and drinking. I whole heartedly encourage you to eat the foods you truly want and drink with a merry heart! I fully plan on doing exactly this!

All I ask is that you consider doing it with a different mindset:

Instead of….

“I need to eat a small breakfast and workout hard the day before, the morning before, and the day after Thanksgiving so that I can eat as much food as possible without getting fat.”

Consider thinking….

“I know I can only eat so much comfortably. I will eat a lighter breakfast so that I can have more foods I am really looking forward to comfortably without feeling stuffed. Since I am going to be having more food than usual I will move a little extra this week and plan an additional walk or gym session.”

The first mindset you feel out of control and desperate. The second you feel in control and relaxed.

Both thought processes my sound familiar on the surface, but each provide vastly different results.

The first encourages you to restrict then binge, obsess over calories consumed, and most likely stress about your weight. The second allows you to eat extra with enjoyment knowing that there will be some compromises that make you feel better.

It’s not about putting your head in the sand and pretending additional foods won’t promote weight gain. It is about realizing that life is about making health compromises to achieve the life you want.

No matter what some extra carbs are going to be on your plate and with increased carb intake comes water weight. So you can try to control or obsess over your weight or just enjoy Thanksgiving for the holiday it is and make some simple compromises to maintain your health journey.