Secret to A Sexy Body!

Want to know the secret to getting a sexy bod with ease?!?!?! Focusing on having a healthy body!

Healthy bodies naturally look good! They function well, have a healthy portion of fat to muscle ratio (not some crazy low number like 10% body fat for guys and 15% for women thats just ridiculous), and even dare I say glow.

If your focus this year is only about losing weight your sabotaging yourself from the beginning. This way of thinking continues the cycle of negative self thoughts, leaving your feeling inadequate. In the long run everything you do is to punish yourself for not looking a specific way.

A super smart man named Jason Seib once said the only way to achieve lasting fat loss it to not make your life revolve around fat loss….I was like yeah sure easy for you to say with your six pack, but he was exactly right!

He understood that for you to achieve the body and life you want all you need to do is make your health a priority.

My favorite quote of his has and always will be “healthy bodies naturally look good!” It gives my anxious mind a sigh of relief.

Think about it! If you start doing things that promote health and let go of checking to scale every day you will find that you achieve your physical goals along with a whole host of other even more important goals without making weight loss the center of your life. Because who wants to be thinking about that all day.

So stop focusing on losing weight and start slowing changing things in your daily routine to promote health!

Here are some of my favorite Jason Seib Podcasts, click to episodes 87 and 91! I warn you they will make you cry and promptly change your life forever!