My First Guilt Free Vacation

Bonjour! I am back from France and had the most amazing time! The best part was my decision to eat guilt free and enjoy every moment of food while I was there!


This was the first vacation where I didn’t come back and immediately start creating a strict exercise routine or restrictive eating plan to lose the weight I gained. Yes my pants fit a little tighter AND it wasn’t a big deal!

Gaining and losing weight is a natural cycle that should not impact your happiness or self value.

Previous vacations were not a successful as this one…Two years ago my husband and I had our honeymoon in Italy. It was supposed to be the most romantic trip of my life, but instead I panicked about eating too many carbs, felt guilty after every glass of wine, and would wake up the next morning clutching my stomach praying that I didn’t look like I had packed on the pounds. Needless to say my unhealthy obsession with trying to eat clean took so much joy from the trip.

SO! I decided that this trip I was going to enjoy every bite of food!

And you know what?! IT WAS THE BEST! I drank wine every night, ate pastries, nommed on bread with most meals, all while waking up every morning happy with my body and with no guilty thoughts about yesterday's meal. I knew I was going to gain weight on this trip and I didn’t let it impact my happiness or self worth!

The funny thing was because I allowed myself to eat freely and gave myself permission to enjoy every moment I ate less and never binged.

This is the power of intuitive eating a work! By allowing myself to honor my cravings I didn’t feel guilty when I enjoyed a non-typical food. I also didn’t tell myself that this was a one time occasion and that I would never have it again, so I had no prompts to binge.

I encourage you to give yourselves permission on special occasions to enjoy food!  Your purpose on this earth is more than COUNTING CALORIES AND AVOIDING FOODS!