Why I Was Missing

So I have been gone. The reason I haven’t posted in awhile is because I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!

First of all, everyone said it would be stressful and I laughed at them, “stress I don’t get stressed.” My husband is laughing right now at me. 

The process of finding a home was so much fun, trying to imagine myself cooking the kitchen, admiring the sun filled backyards. BUT the process of actually buying the home and handling the paperwork was hands down one of the most stressful events of my life to date. I know you moms are chuckling. Raising kids is much more of an endeavor than buying a home. 

The reason why I bring up my stress is to offer others who are going through a stressful time some compassion. 

There were days I ate multiple desserts, drank an extra cocktail, and chose to not eat during a “normal” time. My emotions swung so wide. I fully acknowledged my emotions in almost all (perfect doesn’t exist) of the stressful moments AND I also allowed myself to have additional foods when I wanted them. I proactively chose to not attach any emotions to them. 

Instead of telling myself I was bad for my food choices or making the excuse of “falling off the wagon”, I just let it happen. I repeat I LET IT HAPPEN

Trying to control your food choices with a white knuckle grip during an already challenging time is asking for failure. You can not do and be it all. AND no one expects you too. You will end up swinging the opposite way saying “screw it, I already had a cookie let’s have ten!” 

Because I chose to have compassion with my food choices I was able to enjoy the first week of being in my new home. Sure I have gained a little weight from my extra food choices and my pants fit different, but  I DID NOT LET MY WEIGHT IMPACT MY HAPPINESS! I didn’t step on a scale to assess my weight. I didn’t make a promise to double down at the gym. I just let it happen. 

Buying your first home only happens once. Spending the process obsessing over a few pounds gained would be a waste! 

So my question for you, what are you missing out on by spending time thinking about your weight????

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