Punishing yourself the next day

What you ate yesterday should not impact how you eat today!

What I mean by that is, if you “over indulged” yesterday you should not starve yourself the next day. This creates a punishment cycle where you feel guilty eating, which *cough cough* isn’t a healthy way to live with food!

Food should be a friend, not an enemy. And it absolutely should not be something you EVER feel guilt or shame about!!!

Instead of creating a punishment cycle, what you should do is listen to your hunger cues. Believe it or not your body naturally regulates your appetite for energy balance. Which determines the amount of excess fat storage you have.

When you have a big meal one night, your body naturally regulates its hunger cues to account for this big meal. You might wake up still satisfied or only slightly hungry the next day. Trust your body that it knows what you need. Don’t start telling yourself the night before how your need to do extra cardio or purposefully skip meals.

You say “But Rachael if I trusted my body I would gain all this weight and eat whatever I want.” I call BULL on this way of thinking. The diet industry wants you to think that if you’re not on a diet you will eat out of control, but that’s not how the body works.

The more you start to listen to what your body actually wants the more you will fall in line with a style of living that creates health.

Listening to your body instead of forcing it into a diet is at the heart of what I do. I am so confident in this style of eating and way of life that I am offering a free DITCH THE DIET  assessment! For 20 minutes we can chat on the phone so that I can provide you with come quick strategies to help you start ditching the diet to find balance and start seeing results!