Rewire Your Brain With Abundance

Raise your hand if you have ever felt pressure to eat a food because you didn’t know when you could have it again (hand raised).  Keep those hands high if you ended up eating more than you initially would have because of these thoughts of scarcity (hand still raised with head in other hand).

We all have been there and it’s a normal reaction. Our brains developed in a time of scarcity, when food equaled life, so when you saw food you ate it. The only problem is that we don’t live in a world of scarcity anymore. Food is available 24/7 and in calorically dense forms, two things our ancestors did not have. Rejecting food feels wrong to us because that is not how we developed.

So how do you start working with yourself to not give into every tempting food? Starting thinking with the mindset of abundance. Tell yourself you can have food at any time. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but let me give you an example.  

It’s your Co-worker’s Birthday:

Scarcity Mindset: It’s Barry’s birthday and there is cake. I don’t know when I am going to get cake again. I should have it even though I don’t like that icing and vanilla isn’t my favorite flavor. I am going to eat it anyway.

Abundance: It’s Barry’s Birthday so I will go to the party and wish him well. This cake isn’t a flavor that I really enjoy. I am going to skip this cake because I can have cake whenever I want from any store! I would rather have a piece I truly enjoy!

Look at that mindset shift! You went from feeling pressured into eating a cake you didn’t really want, to saying you could have cake that you actually wanted whenever! This inadvertently takes away anxiety surrounding food and allows your brain to step out of it’s primal default of “see and eat.”

Before you know it you have passed up more foods than you ever thought you could. THIS is how you begin to work with you body instead of against it to forward your health goals.

Think you need to rewire your brain to a default setting of abundance??? Schedule a FREE 20 minute assessment to see how your mindset could be sabotaging your health efforts!