I Haven't Always Been Healthy

Hello all! The sustainable nutrition community has gotten larger,  so I want to take the time to re-introduce myself. My names is Rachael Schulze, as many of you know I am the founder of sustainable nutrition a nutrition counseling practice in Salisbury, MD.

I think because I am a dietitian people assume I have always been healthy, but that is not the case. I grew up in the typical American house hold in to 90’s - 2000’s where everything was either fast food, prepackaged, or could be re-heated in the microwave or oven. My parents didn’t like vegetables so by default neither did I. Hamburger Helper and Elios pizza were the main staples.

During my middle school years I waxed and waned between overweight and obese, until I decided I wanted to do something about it. I did everything wrong when I first started! I followed poor internet advice to eat minimally and exercise a TON! Like everyone’s first experience trying to lose weight, it came off really easy. I felt like such a success! But then the restriction became too much so I would overindulge on the weekends and swear to get back on the straight and narrow come monday. Worst of all people started praising me for my health and weight loss efforts so much that I felt I couldn’t enjoy high calorie foods in public so I would over indulge in private.

As you probably guessed I gained a good chunk of the weight back plus my guilt for feeling like a failure. I continued this back and forth with dieting all through college and all through my early 20’s.

After being overly obsessed with food and constantly afraid of looking like a fraud I came to a point where I finally said enough is enough. I decided to stop being swayed by the latest diet trends and actually figure out what style of eating, moving, and living worked BEST for my body.

Through this process I allowed my heart, mind, and body to communicate in agreement to achieve true health. Not just the “health” you see portrayed in magazines.

Discovering how my body functions was a pivotal moment in this journey. When I put in the effort to work with my body and not against it everything turned around. For the first time I was waking up with energy, my horrible seasonal allergies were gone, my adult acne had cleared, my digestion was smooth again, and my weight settled naturally.

I have made it my mission to help people find their body’s balance. Because a “diets” only purpose is to keep creating more confusion so that people feel perpetually lost and continue to buy into the next new eating trend.

At Sustainable Nutrition, I teach people how to work with their body and not against it. I look at every individual’s life as a whole focusing on how sleep, stress, movement, and nutrition all work together so that we can make you feel like the queen or rockstar that you are!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me! I would love to have the opportunity to learn more about you! If your ready to find sustained health head on over to my schedule page and learn how we can connect.

I look forward to meeting you soon!