Diets Don't Work

Diets are a vicious cycle, they know it, you know it.

You start out on a strict eating plan, make way too many changes at once, exhaust yourself, feel food deprivation,  “fall of the wagon” because your new eating plan is to hard, feel like a failure because you couldn’t complete this ridiculously hard eating plan, and then binge eat out of guilt/shame, then regaining all the weight you lost and possible more!

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So then you say this diet didn’t work I will just try another diet, THAT ONE will work. Even though you know it’s the same diet just in a different dress. You still have to restrict yourself way too much, they still tell you to change everything at once, and they tell you the results you want will happen in 30 days. I call bull. I know from personal experience and working one on one with countless clients that diets just don’t work.

Instead of trying to force your body into a cookie cutter plan, you need to ask yourself what does my body actually want right now? Ladies if you are feeling stressed and exhausted the majority of your days a low calorie diet and high intensity workout plan will not allow your hormones to restablizes for weight loss. Men this goes of you too!

Instead of thinking of your body as a problem, listen to it to find the solution. This means looking at your stress levels, sleep patterns, daily movement, and nutrition to see what would serve you best in this phase of your life to help you achieve the result you want long term!

Finding balance is at the heart of what I do. I am so confident in this style of eating and way of life that I am offering a free DITCH THE DIET  assessment! For 20 minutes we can chat on the phone so we can discuss how your diet is sabotaging the health you could have!