Comfort Food

Oh comfort food! You never really provide me with the comfort I am truly looking for! No matter how many cookies I eat I still feel upset after I stress eat you.

This is one of the hardest lessons to learn, but the most freeing. Food can never resolve an issue, food can not provide lasting comfort!

As the creator of Whole30 Melissa Hartwig says “you don’t want a cookie, you want a hug.” What she is saying is that when your turning to food for comfort what you’re really seeking is human interaction, to be heard in your challenging moments.

Turning to food for comfort is a dangerous game. At the end of you tub of ice cream lyes guilt and shame for binge eating. If you’re struggling with this cycle I encourage you to get to the root cause of whatever emotion is telling you to seek the comfort foods.

It is not until you resolve the underlying emotion that you can resolve the cycle of needing comfort foods. Because food is not the problem it is the symptom.

Helping people find freedom from this mindset is at the heart of what I do. I am so confident in this mind set change I am offering a free DITCH THE DIET assessment!

For 20 minutes we can chat on the phone so that I can provide you with some quick strategies to help you start changing your relationship with food and start seeing results!

Click here to schedule